Key Accomplishments
EdenPURE Infrared Heaters had huge success as a direct marketing item sold through infomercials and print advertisement. Morgan & Sampson USA recognized this success, and convinced EdenPURE to expand by presenting the product to retail, drug, home improvement, mass and club channels.
EdenPURE Infrared Heaters was a new technology in the marketplace. From experience, MSUSA knew Costco members to be early adapters to new technologies, and likely to embrace the concept of infrared heaters. Costco uses the "6 Rights of Merchandise" to make product decision and MSUSA believed EdenPURE heaters fit all six: best product, best place, best time, best quantity, best condition, and best price. MSUSA presented the product to Costco, and EdenPURE Infrared Heaters became Costco's inline/instore heater for 2012 and 2013 - exceeding $20,000,000 in sales. |