Morgan & Sampson USA manages a full National Lines Representation Program across most U.S. retailers, both online and brick & mortar. For international opportunities, such as Costco, we have affiliate offices in London and Tokyo for support. Our coverage includes all trade classes.
Thorough Commitment to Your Sales & Marketing Efforts
Business Development
Speed to Market - National Sales Force Management
Product Development Capabilities
Sales Materials Development Capabilities
New Distribution Targeting & Call Management
Promotion Management & Analysis
IRI / AC Nielsen Analysis & Recommendations
Trade Show Management Assistance
Tracking Co-op, Deductions, Distribution & Reporting
Customer Service Support
Management of Retailer Online Sites (retail link, etc.)
Sales Materials & Sample Distribution
Effective, Efficient, Intelligent Information Management
Web-based Management & Reporting
One Stop Shopping for Sales & Vendor Info, Management Tools, Calls and Sales Reporting, Slotting & Shelf Management, Forecasting, Promotion, and Deduction Tracking, etc.